{% trans_default_domain 'FOSUserBundle' %} {% block subject %}Activate your Wobot.app Account{% endblock %} {% block body_text %} {% autoescape false %} Dear {{ user.firstName }}, Your registration on Wobot.app was received. Your username is {{ user.username }}. Click this link {{ confirmationUrl }}"> in order to activate your account. Once activated, please fill out your profile information. Regards, Wobot.app Customer support support@wobot.app {% endautoescape %} {% endblock %} {% block body_html %} Dear {{ user.firstName }},
Your registration on Wobot.app was received. Your username is {{ user.username }}.
Click this link Here in order to activate your account. Once activated, please fill out your profile information.


Wobot.app Customer support
support@wobot.app {% endblock %}